Kai h koutsh Mariw kanei 'lifting' shmera..... Kai an exei kanei kai h Anna, good luck to her. Kai gw an eixa ta $$$$$ 8a ekana. Kai kati allo, to mpazo afto ths Heaven (gia ton papagalo lew), apo ta 16 ths evale maxairi sth mouri ths. H Kylie Minogue (allo mpazo apo kei) xronia kai xronia to kanei.
Toulaxiston h Anna an exei kanei, to arxise apo ta 40 kai panw. Good luck to her, kalh ths tyxh. Dikia ths epilogh, kai afou einai sto spotlight synexeia kanei afto pou prepei na kanei gia ton eafto ths.... Mpravo ths, kai giati oxi? Egw proswpika then exw kanena provlima me tis epiloges tis giati thn agapaw.
Ein'epilogh mou Etsi thelw Egw to dialeksa Egw t'apofasisa Kanenas then mporei na mou pei ti na kanw Kanenas then mporei na mou pei pws tha zisw Ein'epilogh mou.................
Love Stacey xx
eimai stis skepseis sou.... eimai stis fleves sou...eimai sto aima sou egwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww...
That's right gnikosanna.... To On A Night Like This htane ths Anna's. Megalh kompina paiksane kai to pasarane sth Kylie (ksoano) pou bgike misogymni sto film-clip kai to kseftilise to tragoudi gia ta kala. Kai ama den edixne ton mpisino ths sto video-clip tha sou elega egw ama nai h oxi tha ginotane Hit.
Disko ths Kylie's pou eimai kai Australeza, POTE sth zwh mou then exw agorasei kai OUTE prokeitai. Edw h Kylie thewritai ws mia ksetsipoth trsirida.
Anna.....zoume na s'akoume...............Kai pali to synthima........
San kai SENA kamia....Oso kai na prospathisoune, komplaroune.
eimai stis skepseis sou.... eimai stis fleves sou...eimai sto aima sou egwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww...
nai to eixa diabasei se mia synenteyxi poy eixe ena periodiko oti i Anna exei kanei Bottox!! Oyte kai gw pisteyw na exei kanei tipota allo, exallou i Anna apo mikri itan omorfi ti parapanw na allaxei?????? Kai einai sigouro oti exei kanei ligotera apo alles tragoudistries pou gia na anevoun ekanan apo mikres plastikes kai oxi mono Bottox!!
To Botox kai sta periptera to kanoune.. Ti mas noiazei? Oti goustarei o kathenas. Vre paidia... afou kai o (pateras) Kokkotas exei kanei !! To Botox simera einai mia routina kathimerinis zwhs...
eimai stis skepseis sou.... eimai stis fleves sou...eimai sto aima sou egwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww...