'Call Me' is BACK on the Top30 of the most popular dance songs on Internet radio chart, as determined by combined airplay and audience detections, over the past monitoring week. The song jumps 9 spots to #30 on its 37th week on the chart!!!! :) Big internet stations just added the song on their lists, so expect another big jump next week!
prepei na epekse kai to clip tou call me gia na anevhkame nai....alla pezei kai simantiko rolo kai to dual disc pou kykloforei idi sthn Amerikh.... ayto einai poly kalo shmadi.....tha anevoume kai allo kai tha ksanapame #1
thelw na se alypso apo panw mexri katw me pagwto kai na se glypso xwris na afhsw kommati pagwtou...