Telika h anna tha paei sthn eurovision......Shmera ston Kafe Me Thn Elenh O Valentino To Eipe ....Eixe leei akousei ola ayta ta opoia legontousan peri annas kai eurovision kai apofasise kai thn peire thlefwno gia na thn rwtisei gia to thema....enw perimene opws eipe na akousei to OXI vrethike pro ekplhksews kai akouse oti NAI telika tha einai ayth h opoia tha ekprwsopoihsh thn ellada sthn fetinh Eurovision Me Tragoudi Tou Karvela......Apo thn ERT eipe oti se 2 me 3 meres tha anakoinwthei kai epishma
Ti Apomenei Twra Pou Niwthoume Apomakroi Kai Ksenoi Twra PoyNiwthoume Adinamoi Kai Monoi Twra Pou H Alhtheia Ayto To Theatro Teleiwnei Ti Apomenei. . . .
einai trellhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh h gkomenaaaaaaaaaaaa.....einai trellhhhhhhhh leme.....xaxaaxaxaxaxaxaxaaxaxaxaaa.......GEIA SOU ANNAAAAAAAAA......den to pistwvw akoma......afou emas,mas eixe pei oxi den tha pao telika,kai twra vgenei kai leei to nai...???tha trellathw......anna eisai trellhhhhhhhhhhh mwro mouuuuuuuuuuuuuu.......aytos einai enas logos pou se latrevo.........
Naui kita FROM
The developments are on the way. Anna Vissi's management spread around the news to all media, newspapers and various people. ERT is about to announce Anna Vissi as the 2006 Greek representative today or tomorrow the latest. So ladies and gentlement, the host country is going to be represented by the Greek Diva Anna Vissi in the Athens 2006 Eurovision Song Contest. Of course Anna Vissi's participation is not submitted for any other reason rather than to keep the contest in Greece for 2007 too. Will this come true?
We will know after the song selection. According to ERT there will be a show for either s song selection or a song presentation (internal selection of the song too). The inside sources of say that there will be 99% song selection either with Nikos Karvelas as the main composer or with few various composers. The Greek song selection is expected between February 28 and March 3 but there is no confirmation.
This morning all newspapers and media report that their sources confirmed Anna Vissi as the participant for Greece. Anna Vissi will make the entire Greece watch the show and interested in the show too. One of the best solutions for the Eurovision Song Contest ever made by the Greek broadcaster. Though we await th official confirmation of ERT which will be within the next 24-36 hours.
Molis vgi to tragoudi, prepi na arxisoume na kanome promo pantou gai tin Anna!!! Thimame eperisi otan kerdise h paparizou, eipe oti to fan club tin voithise poli. To eidio prepi na kanoume gia tin Anna! Kai opuos bori na pai Eurovision, na pai gia tin Anna!