Statler: What's the name of that famous song Tony Bennett sings?
Waldorf: "I Left My Heart In San Francisco"
Statler: Big deal! I left my teeth in Mineapolis!
Both: Dooh ho ho ho ho
Thlon, prosexe pws mou milas, egw eimai enas euais8htos zygos. Den katalaba ti ennoeis kthniatrio? Aplws eixame pollous pou ta eixan xasei san kai esena.
Thlon, 3exasa na sou pw kati. Exw glutwsei thn trella merikes fores, 1. apo diafora anhparkta pou akousa 2. logw katagwghs, blepeis h Kefallonitikh klhronomia einai baria, kai twra 3. to pio koufo, ta sainia ths polykatoikias pou menw, apofasisan na baloun kentrikh keraia sthn polykatoikia twra, oxi tote pou eixame tous Olympiakous, twra hmeres Eurovision. Katalabaineis loipon poso tentomena einai ta neura mou, mhn me prokaleis kai esy.
Thlon, prosexe pws mou milas, egw eimai enas euais8htos zygos. Den katalaba ti ennoeis kthniatrio? Aplws eixame pollous pou ta eixan xasei san kai esena.
Nomizw pws se polla exeis dikio, kai pragmatika oi alloi prepei na exoun upomonh me enan zugo, alla otan telika apofasisoun kati den kanoun lathos. Nomizw gia ton xarakthra rolo paizei kai o oroskopos, emena einai krios.
Kravgi90 xairomai pou 8a baloun kentrikh keraia, na mazeutei to xalh sthn taratsa, alla den xairomai na mou kopsoun to kalodio ths keraias mou hmeres Eurovision. Exw balei tis megales dunameis mhpws tous stamathsw, h diaxeiristria einai filh mou.