(ektos an pas me Garuda (indonesian airlines) kai ftaneis se 35 wres!!!!!... epeidh stamatane poly aftoi..... )
Me Olympiakh otan piga to 87 (diogenhs, violia!) kapou sxedon stis 18 wres.
......poly makria.
Gia na bgeis teleiws apo thn Australia kanei 4 wres. Alles 3 kai eisai Singapore. Alles 4 kai eisai Indies, alles 7 -8 eisai Hellas..... makari mia mera na vrethoume
Vissakia mou eimaste paaaare poly makria.
eimai stis skepseis sou.... eimai stis fleves sou...eimai sto aima sou egwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww...
.... 35 wres ama pas "cheap flight". 18 - 20 ama ertheis me px me British h Singapore/Thai ktl airlines. Vissakia mou thelw TOSO na erthw..... to sizitousame me thn aderfh mou proxthes.... ti wraia pou tha'tane....
Na pigainame Anna oloi mazi.... ti wrea pou tha pernagame re gmttttttttt...... kai gia gelio sth
Alexandris wrote: Ìá 32 þñåò ñå ðáéäéÜ????ÂáñÜò 150 åíÝóåéò...Êáé éó÷ýåé áõôü ðïõ ëÝåé êáé ï Peliekrinos...3,5 þñåò èÝëåé ãéá Áããëßá êáé ðáèáßíù ôæåô ëÜê üôáí ðçãáßíù!!!!!!!!×áñÜ óôï êïõñÜãéï áõôþí ðïõ ðçãáéíïÝñ÷ïíôáé óôçí Áõóôñáëßá!!!! .... 35 wres ama pas "cheap flight". 18 - 20 ama ertheis me px me British h Singapore/Thai ktl airlines. Vissakia mou thelw TOSO na erthw..... to sizitousame me thn aderfh mou proxthes.... ti wraia pou tha'tane.... Na pigainame Anna oloi mazi.... ti wrea pou tha pernagame re gmttttttttt...... kai gia gelio sth axxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx anna_stenazw.......