Sorry Guys. Its not my fault. It's the information i'm getting. All I know is that Anna had signed the contract to Votanikos (and we all heard about that when it happened), and then all the sudden she's out. And about the Double Album from Vandi, I said its a rumor. And if that rumor is true, then it would devistate Anna.
About the Greek CD, this is what I heard. She was planning to work on one, and do something else (remember I told you there is a big suprise in store in the future...that was one of them), but then Anna postponed that suprise indefinitly......Don't know why....and I cant tell you what it was either so you can help me figure it out. Anna's PA had told me that he talked to her recently, and she said she was comming to NYC in september most likely, and it looks bad so far for a Greek album. She was planning a single at most
Remember, Anna is going through a rough time. She makes plans, and changes them. Only god knows what she is thinking right now. Im just keeping you updated on her plans.
Loipon , pali egw ... An kai de zw stnn Ellada kai den exw th dunatothta na parakolouthw ta ellhnika kanalia ektos apo th NET pou murizei nafthalinh , kati alla kanalia olo telemarketing kai thn kupriakh PIK pou vazei ola ta apomeinaria tou Alpha , xari sto internet anakalupsa ola ta arnhtika pou prowthountai sxetika me th Bissh kai apofasisa na kanw thn arxh sto "time to defend Anna" opws thumaste . Kat'arxhn den eimai fanatikh (ti tha legate gia to F"ANNA"TIKH ;;;) kai de thavgaina na ksefwnizw oti einai THEA klp , alla meta apo ola osa - kai sigoura ...ligosta - diavasa gi'authn enoxlhthhka polu kai stenaxwrethhka gia olh touth thn aseveia ... Aisthanthka auto pou prospathei o daskalos na didaksei sta agglika tous mathhtes tou sto kefalaio "empathy " vs "sympathy" . To diko mou htan empatheia , sigoura ... Kai den katalava giati thn katatrexoun toso polu .. Alla , "panta petrovoleitai to dendro pou karpoforei polu ", etsi den einai ;
H zwh m'exei didaksei oti otan kati arxizei na kseftaei ki esu epimeneis akomh sto idio , kinduneueis na to xalaseis akomh perissotero kai tote den uparxei epistrofh .. San na prospatheis na trexeis me stampouligmeno podi .. Proxwreis ligo alla katastrefeis kai to swma sou olo kai perissotero ... Kalo einai na ksapostaseis kapou , na gianei to podi sou kai meta na ksanarxiseis pio dunamika kai ksekourasta ... H Anna de xreiazetai na deixnei oti dinei maxh epiviwshs kai m'auth ths thn epimonh na kourazei oloena ton eauto ths kai na kanei tous antipalous ths h osous telws pantwn den th xwneuoun na xairontai otan kapoies "portes" - proswrina - ths kleinoun ... Polloi kallitexnes de dexontai oles tis protaseis mazi h aporriptoun kapote kai tis monadikes gia na mhn tous "paliwsei" to proswpo ... Giati loipon mia toso korufaia ermhneutria - kai oxi mono - na ekseuteleitai thelhmatika ; Exei thn anagkh na zhtianeuei douleia ;
Dustuxws milame gia ena "trapezi lukwn" kai dustuxws oi lukoi prosdiorizoun thn agora ...
Gia na mhn pw oti s'ena arthro diavasa oti akomh kai to mhkos tou foustaniou ths sto video clip tou Everyhing to apofasizan o Karvelas kai o skhnotheths tou clip , oute kan ekeinh ... Dhladh , auth einai h zwh mias tetoias kallitexnidas : na thn paketarizoun opws theloun kai meta na thn petane sth skhnh na tragoudisei !!!!
Egw lew na thn afhsoume hsuxh na ksekourasthei gia na adeiasei ligo to mualo ths apo th mia kai na empedwsei apo thn allh oti autos einai o kosmos , aluphtos , san tous Rwmaious pou phgainan sthn arena na apolausoun aima ... Auto eimaste oloi , zhtame thumata gia glenti ... Gi'auto kai oi pragmatikoi kallitexnes einai panta ligo h polu dustuxismenoi .. Giati exoun idanika kai san sunepeia : apogohteuseis ... Opws kai me to epikundino paixnidi ths Eurovision pou thn evalan na paiksei ... Thn parafouskwsan oi men , thn petrovolhsan oi de kai meta thn afhsan oloi tous monh fortwnontas ths olh thn euthunh ths "taxa" httas !
Proswpika eimai polu "eklektikh" sth mousikh pou akouw (den ennow oti eimai "teleia " , apla auto eimai) , agapw klassikh mousikh , thathela na me khdepsoun (!) me to adagio tou Albignoni px, agapw Placido Domingo ,Mario Fraggoulh , Alessandro Saffina , Emma Shapplin , trellainomai gia fado (exw sxedon ola ta album ths Dulce Pontes, Mariza , Amelia Rodriges klp) kai apo tous ellhnes tragoudistes , ektos apo merika cd tou Ntalara , to mono onoma pou despwzei sth ftwxikh mou sullogh einai h Bissh ... Oxi pou den paw sthn Ellada h pou den erxontai ellhnika album sthn Tourkia , vrazoume edw apo Vandi , Remo , Aleksiou , Arvanitakh ,Rouva , Paparizou , Garbi , Pario kai o,ti exei o Theos , alla h empeiria m'exei didaksei oti h Bissh einai h monh pou de se apogohteuei otan plhrwseis gia ena album ths afou den einai mono ena to "locomotive song" (opws lene edw pou poulaei to cd ) kai ola t'alla savoures ... Panta toulaxiston to 80 % enos album ths einai wraio - an kai teleiws asxeto me thn eksoghinh fwto tou eksofullou !!!!
As afhsume loipon na "katanalwthoun" kai ligo ta "freska frouta" ths agoras kai meta tharthei h wra na serviristhei kai to epidorpio ... Giati na stenaxwriomaste epeidh den erxetai to gluko prin ta ..patatakia ;
Egw etsi ki alliws den exw empeiria Votanikou , tha sunexisw na akouw ta cd mou , na tragoudaw ta tragoudia ths otan perpatw sto dromo h otan douleuw sto computer kai na anatrixiazw otan akouw gia Venetia ...