Statler: What's the name of that famous song Tony Bennett sings?
Waldorf: "I Left My Heart In San Francisco"
Statler: Big deal! I left my teeth in Mineapolis!
Both: Dooh ho ho ho ho
Vlepeis , ta tsigara mono stous fulakismenous ta phgainoun !!!!
Vevaia den ton kserw auto ton anthrwpo , to mono pou kserw , einai oti einai newteros ths kai plousios ! Afou loipon h Vissi de xreiazetai xrhmata h fhmh , tha pei oti xreiazetai aisthhma opws sunhthws kanoun oi gunaikes . Kai tha stenaxwrhthei opwsdhpote otan meinei monh kapoia stigmh . Enw autos , afou exw diavasei oti exei kai mwro paidi parathmeno , apla dipla ths apokta th fhmh pou den mporei na eksagorasei me xrhmata , e, den pernaei thn wra tou kai me kamia ...."asxhmh" h "hlikiwmenh" , den exei na xasei tipota oute kata th diarkeia auths ths sxeshs oute kai otan teleiwsei , giati kapote tha teleiwsei ... Apo thn allh omws den kserw ti eidous paranomies exei kanei ...
Suggnwmh an pmhka se asxeta themata , proxthes dustuxws akurwsa ena taksidaki sth Mukono + Santorini epeidh to afentiko allakse gnwmh sxetika me thn periodo adeias mou gia skefteite taxa na phgainan autoi ekei tis idies meres m'emena kai na tous sunantousa sth ... little Venice ths Mukonou Ti fwtografies tha evgaza !!!!!!!! Tha tous tragoudousa kai th ...Venetia !!!!
"Thee mou" leei o andras , "giati ekanes tis gunaikes etsi wraies ;"
"Gia na aresoun s'esas tous andres " leei o Theos .