Statler: What's the name of that famous song Tony Bennett sings?
Waldorf: "I Left My Heart In San Francisco"
Statler: Big deal! I left my teeth in Mineapolis!
Both: Dooh ho ho ho ho
Statler: What's the name of that famous song Tony Bennett sings?
Waldorf: "I Left My Heart In San Francisco"
Statler: Big deal! I left my teeth in Mineapolis!
Both: Dooh ho ho ho ho
Aóå ðáéäéá å÷èåò óôç äïõëåéá åíáò óõíáäåëöïò áñ÷éóå íá ìå êïñïéäåõåé ãéá ôçí Åëëáäá.... ×á ×á ìïõ åêáíå êáé åôñéâå ôï äá÷ôõëï ôïõ óôï ÷åñé êáé ëååé: High time you realise Greeks are useless in soccer".... Áêïõóáôå? Ðïëõ ìïõ êáêïöáíéêå, ìá ôïóç êáêéá ôïõò äåñíåé ñå ðáéäé ìïõ..... Oh well, ôïõ ëåù, we all saw how brilliantly England performed in the World Cup (not!) and at least Greece still holds the tiltle of European Champions!!! Åêåé ôï âïõëùíåé. Ðéóù ìïõ ó'å÷ù ...... áç óé÷ôçñ áðï êåé êïêêéíï-êïëå
eimai stis skepseis sou.... eimai stis fleves sou...eimai sto aima sou egwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww...