This is what I predicit might happen. A CD Single will come out end of december with a couple of songs. Maybe even is it safe. Then later one, the CD will come out. Good marketing really. Since Anna isnt singing anywhere, let her release a single and get some buzz going. With acouple good songs it would be perfect. People would be anticipating a new album. (like Vandi and Kalanta). Then go and release the album in the spring (I think it will be released after February.....) and then go ahead and sing all summer long. Let all the International Greek Vacationars go see her too (they are always dieing for a concert) plus all the greeks. Then do some international concerts in the fall.
But then again, it might be suicide to release the album in the spring. There would be BIG competition. Despina Vandi is supposed to release hers in February.
o kathe kallitexnis exei kai tis kales epoxes tou kai tis asximes kai ta loipa...
i Anna den einai se asximi fasi ennoeitai, apla ekane mia allagi.
Apla ennow oti pernane apo oles tis ginetai na einai panta ola kala kai rodina alliws tha eixan barethei oloi oi kallitexnes kai de tha eixan orexi kai tha epanapavontousan opws polloi alloi, xwris na kanoun allages. Xreiazontai ayta se kapio bathmo bebea, gia na boresoun na dwsoun pragmata ston kosmo.
i makrupoulia eipe, oti i ANna etoimazei megalo comeback kai tha epistreyei me monadiki sunaulia, tis opoia to styl tha einai ekplixi opws kai oti polu suntoma tha exoume kai mia kainourgia kukloforia ekplixi...
ara, 2 diaforetikes kuklofories ? to comeback tis kai tin kikloforia ekplixi ? Giati anaferontai duo...
ixixixixxixixixiixixixixixixixixixixixixixixixx ennoeitaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii mono pou to skeftomai erethizomaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
thelw na se alypso apo panw mexri katw me pagwto kai na se glypso xwris na afhsw kommati pagwtou...