Well Anna may have alittle head start in album sales if she decideds to release her album before march. Malea's got delayed because Fivos is working on Maro Lytra's.
Perases teleia eeeeeee, pes mas leptomeries, poses wres tragoudise, metefere mas ton xamo pou egine, aproopta ti sas elege metaksi ta tragoudia, pessssssssss ta ola!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Perimenoumeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :)
Xarika pou perases kala ee den ginete na min peraseis kala me tin Anna, Einai THEAAAAAA ti na leme twra.
O Xristoforou pws htane?? ta ntoueta teleia eeee, kserw oti tha elege polla apo ANna kai Karvela, PESSSSSS TA OLA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
geia sou desilla!!! akoma eimaste se "high" pou lene .... O Xristoforou ? e, kalos htane, ligo mas taprikse alla tespa ... kati saxlamares ekei, theleis sxeseis, etsi, ktl ... Me thn Anna eipe Antistrofh Metrish, Emeis, Vre Kouto, Boom Boom, O Teleytaios Xoros, Martyrio, Kypriaka ... H Anna htane koukla. Eixane piasei olo to xoro mprosta o kosmos, h Mazz kai gw koitaxtime kai leme, den pame kato siga siga, sprokse dw sprokse kei, kane ligo to koroido, sorry apo dw sorry apo kei ( pou sproxname LOL !!) kai tsak ! mprosta sth pista vrethikame .......
Meta to Nylon sthn arxh eipe to Agaph EInai... trellathikame. Meta synexise na leei ola ta tragoudia tou Nylon, kai meis vrethikame mprosta otan tragoudouse Erwta h Polemo.... ax paidia ti na sas pw ... eixam mageytei. Peirame polles fwtografies, sas exoume ekplikseis. Peirame oso mporeame me thn mhxanh mas thn fwtografikh wspou na teleiwsei to memory ...
H gynaika einai to kati allo. Ena derma san gala ... Apo ntisimo ? ...... Sthn arxh forouse mayro steno dermatino panteloni me mpotes, kai mayro dermatino mplouzi steno xwris tyrantes. Mia zwnh asimenia ... ta mallia ths itane kastano anoixto me ksanthes antavgies ... Etrexe o idrwtas potami, estaze h gynaika. Meta apo kamia 2 wres eipe pws paei n'allaksei giati egine mouskema, kai pws tha mas kratisei syntrofia o Xristoforou, ws pou tha erthei to treno na thn ferei piso sth pista .... katalavenete e ? treno ......
E. Synexise o Xristoforou gia kana misa-wro, mas evgale to ladi re gmttttt...mas gkastrwse ekei me tis saxlamares tou ekei.... Kanane merikes san lisasmenes otan tis kalese sth pista ... ...tespa, emeis thn Thea perimename.... kai molis o Xristou teleiwse to teleftaio tou (eytixws, aman pia) tragoudi...................................... xamilwsan ta fwta....pianei o pianistas thn eisagwgh afth th magikh ......... Treno.................................................
............Erxetai mia thea sth pista me mia kokkinh gyalisterh mplouza kai ena tzin kai tai mpotesssssss .............................................
Akoma anna_tryxiazw oso to skeftomai .... Meta Eisai, Call Me, Feygw, Egw Mwro Mou, Exw Pethanei Gia Sena, Kraygh (xamos) Agaph Ypervolikh (xamos) Hung Up, Sorry ..........Kaka Paidia, Atmosfera Hlektrismenh, Psyxedelia, Pes To Ksana (pio dynata!!)
part 2 coming up. ta ksanaleme, einai mesimeri edw exw merikes doulies, ta ksanaleme!!!!
exw xasei th fwnh mou paidia.... Gyrnaw spiti, ptwma sth kourash ... ti traviksame na vroume taksi .... misi wra perimename. Gyrisame sths Mazzaras, eidame Erwta (to magnitofwnise), ipiame to tsagaki mas kai eirtha spiti, koimithika me to makigiaz sta moutra. Den antexa allo.
anna gia panta.
eimai stis skepseis sou.... eimai stis fleves sou...eimai sto aima sou egwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww...
WOW! Great concert! Thats what I love about Anna on tour. She sings ATLEAST for 3 hours. We are waiting for "part 2" and all those pictures! (maybe you should put it in a folder and upload it on RapidShare if there are too many)
Staceoula βλέπω ξεσάλωσες! Πρέπει να πέρασες πραγματικά υπέροχα! Βλέπω στο μήνυμά σου, όλο τον ενθουσιασμό! Από φωνή πως ήταν η κοριτσάρα μας; Έλεγαν ότι ήταν κρυωμένη μέσα στον Ιανουάριο... ΕΣΚΙΣΕ; Τα έδωσε όλα;
Ας επισκεφθεί κάποιος αυτό το Site... http://www.anna-vissi.info/
Stacey lives in Australia and she went to Annas concert last night. She says Anna was beautiful and at the beginning she said the song Nylon, then Agapi einai, and the rest of the songs from cd Nylon. They took many pictures and have many surprises to show us.
Anna charmed them all. At the begining Anna was wearing black tight leather pants, and a tight leather top, with boots. After 2 hours Anna went to change and Christoforou was singing until the song Treno started. Anna was wearing a red top with jeans.
Stacey names the songs Anna continued to sing. That was part 1, we are waiting for part 2.