Edw sunhthws ta Oscar a dinei to cnbce-e kai to ntv , dhladh kanalia pou den xreiazontai plhrwmh kai kartes klp ... Alla vevaia de tha ksenuxthsw na dw th live metadosh , etsi ki alliws ta dinoun meta kai se epanalhpseis se pio ...proshtes wres , tha sas enhmerwsw an mathw tipota ...
Eimai sigourh pou tha vgei wraia stis fwto h Anna , ti na foresei arage ...Gaultier ???
I want to ask the very best gurus... Na mou peite kati? Ean kerdisei H patricia Field to oskar... H Anna Vissi tha einai ekei na anebei sti skini mazi tis???? Tha dosei speech????? Yparxei periptosei na tragoudisei kiolas????
Mporei nane fimes... to star channel gia paradeigma pou exei tis kameres ston kolo tous celebrity den exei pei tipota akoma... ektos an to xasa... H Anna mono me endiaferei... ego pisteuo tha einai ekei...
annavissidog wrote: I want to ask the very best gurus... Na mou peite kati? Ean kerdisei H patricia Field to oskar... H Anna Vissi tha einai ekei na anebei sti skini mazi tis???? Tha dosei speech????? Yparxei periptosei na tragoudisei kiolas????
Mporei nane fimes... to star channel gia paradeigma pou exei tis kameres ston kolo tous celebrity den exei pei tipota akoma... ektos an to xasa... H Anna mono me endiaferei... ego pisteuo tha einai ekei...
I dont think so. If Patricia wins, she will go on stage herself, and with the people from the movie that she was nominated for "The Devil Wears Prada".
Hmmm. Hard to tell if she was there. Patricia didnt win. The person that did win, was behind her, and when she got up they showed half of Patricia, and then when the winner was walking up they showed from far a blonde sitting next to Patricia Fields.