an egine leeei.........kai kserete paidia pou tragoudaei h Anna otan erxetai Australia? Sto terastio stadio Rod Laver Arena, ekei pou ginetai to Australian Open tennis...Kai na vlepate otan ginotane to Kraygi Tour to 2002, eixane terastia Billboard pou egrafe:
Major Greek Star Anna Vissi coming foto Kraygi album cover (milame TE_RA_STIA, PELWRIA afisa) ap'ekso apo to Rod Laver Arena...............Paidia, sas lew, XA_MOS !!!
ekei mesa xwrane mexri 20.000 atwma kathoistoi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (mono gia Melbourne milaw twra, kai mhn ksexnate, h Anna pige se OLH thn Australia...(sto Sydney, sth Brisbane, sth Canberra, sto Adelaide, sto Perth.....)
milame gia MAJOR star h Anna sthn Australia........Edw paidia einai NUMBER 1 !!!!!!
anna 4 everrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
eimai stis skepseis sou.... eimai stis fleves sou...eimai sto aima sou egwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww...
maaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Anna Vissi einai ayth agaph mou...den einai opiadhpote tragoudhstria.....mporw na fantastw ti egine sthn Australia....giath to edixan ola ta thleoptika kanalia....
A re Anna pare mas ta myalaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
thelw na se alypso apo panw mexri katw me pagwto kai na se glypso xwris na afhsw kommati pagwtou...
Και άκουσα στις ειδήσεις από έναν διοργανωτή συναυλιών ότι δύο είναι τα ονόματα που κατάφεραν να γεμίσουν τους χώρους τους!’ννα βέβαια και Σφακιανάκης...Οι άλλοι απλά κατάφεραν με τα χίλια ζόρια να βγάλουν τα λεφτά που έσκασε ο επιχειρηματίας!Ισχυει,έτσι?
na sas pw paidia... h Peggy tragoudise sto Metro nightclub edw sth Melbourne. Einai to megalitero nightclub ths Australias, kai xwraei aneta 5000 atwma. Ematha pws to eishthrio (xwris faghto xwris tipota) htan 100 dollaria, panakriva, kai na sas pw EGW proswpika, (opws kai eidi kserete, den goustarw kai gi'afto den piga) Oso gia th tsirida KOKKINOY...... xaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaaa (pou eirthe me ton Danth proxthes) eipan oi efimerides pws 'logou krywmatos, h Kokkinoy den eipe polla.... afhse ta fans ths na tragoudisoune .... Poly asxhma reviews ths dwsane... (Kai na sas pw paidia, pio poly gia ton Danth pigane oloi kai aftos peire ta kalytera review, (eytixws pou eitane mazi ki'aftos, alliws me to ftari tha ta'trwge h tsirw-Trance) kai ap'oti ematha o Danths eitane teleios. Aftoi den htan sto Metro, alla se reception-centre me faghto kai pota.
san thn Anna kamia paidiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa parte to xampari, kai as to xosoun OLOI oi eksipnoi eksw pou nomizoun alliws.
Afta gia twra..... a, kai:
eimai stis skepseis sou.... eimai stis fleves sou...eimai sto aima sou egwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww...