re maniakeeeee, de sou eipa pws h MaZZ tha pigaine sth Singaporh, kai me rwtises pou einai h Singaporh, kai sou eipa kapou gyrw sth Malaysia?? xaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaa....
ase vissakia mou glyka ... monh tha meinw gia 2 oloklhres evdomades xwris to mwro mou to Mazzaki afto to mikrouli mou .......
eimai stis skepseis sou.... eimai stis fleves sou...eimai sto aima sou egwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww...
w re ti exei na ginei etsi kai sas erthoume pros ta kei!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! axaxaxaxaaxaaaaa to gelio pou tha pesei sto Pizza Pomodwro.....filakia xxxxxx
eimai stis skepseis sou.... eimai stis fleves sou...eimai sto aima sou egwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww...