On the Wikipedia.org, the free encyclopedia they have a artical on anna vissi. On this site anyone can edit the page and saome erased all the anna vissi info and wrote
Anna Vissi (born December 20, 1951) is a woman famous for being rushed to a Greek hospital with a bottle up her anus and being ridiculed in the whole wide Greece and Balcans. It's true.
I put all the info back and added photos But A VANDI fan must of dones this!!!!! So i went to the vandi page and changed it!!! THIS MEANS WAR!!!!!!!
Ok after fighting between the two pages and editing each other i madea deal and the war is off for now. but if they change anna page agian the war is on agian
Maniake αυτή η σελίδα είναι μια εγκυκλοπέδια και είχε βιογραφία της ’ννας.Σε αυτήν την σελίδα μπορεί ο καθένας να αλλάξει τα στοιχεία!Έτσι οι Βανδικοί είχαν πάει και είχαν αλλάξει το 1957 με 1951....Ζωντόβολα!Αλλά τώρα το είδα και είναι ΟΚ!Επίσης και εγώ το 1969 της Μαλέα το έκανα 1965...Χαχα!Να μάθουν!
axaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxa heu gnikos pes mou se parakalw pws mporw na pao na allaksw olh thn viografia ths maxlepa??thelw na to kanw 1940 xaxaaxaxaxaxaxaa....kai thelw na grapsw oti genhthike sthn tsetsenia apo kolo alogou aaaaaxaxaxaxaxxaxaaxxaxaa
thelw na se alypso apo panw mexri katw me pagwto kai na se glypso xwris na afhsw kommati pagwtou...