Usually I buy mine straight from the promoters, since Ticketmaster has limited tickets. Like there is always people that bring the artist (and promote them) for the concert. They tend to have better seating. And tickets are ussually on sale months before. For example. For the 2004 concert, Anna's promotion was pathos inc ( I got tickets straight from them. But i got 4th row not 1st, because I found out about the concert later. lol. For the Paparizou concert (lol. again), she came with Greek Concert Promotions. ( I knew about the concert, so I got the tickets in advance from them, and got 1st row. Im hoping to do the same with Anna's concert.
lol. Thanks. I will try to get Anna's personal assistant to tell me in advanced. He just told me that Anna will be comming to NYC in March for a little bit. Its wierd though, becuase you would think Anna would be busy with ending Botanikos, and touring Europe with the Eurovision song. Also I know the Eurovision video clip has to be made BEFORE March 20. Maybe it will be a mini-vacation for Anna before the touring starts. She loves NYC.