Den axizei ton kopo na asxoleitai kaneis me to forum ths ntrophs. Autoi oloi tha fagwthoun meta3u tous. H Ellada tha kerdisei giati exei thn Anna Vissi.
Victor... I hope so. Stou Theou t'afti... Eyxomai me olh mou thn kardia na kerdisei h fwnara mas h Vissi (ama den eitane FWNARA h ERT den tha ths ekane th protash edw pou ta leme..) Oso gia to Forum ths ntrophs, exw na mpw kairo twra, kai oute prokeitai, mexri ton Maio toulaxiston, otan kerdisei h Anna fysika !!
Peliekrine...oso gi'aftone ton moulospora Cheers, ta moutra tou tha faei sto telos. Aftounou h Anna prepei na tou kanei minish. Efxomai h Anna na ton analavei aftone h idia. Emeis prepei na steiloume ena grammataki kapou na tou triksoune ligo ta podia, alliws den exoume elpida. Aftos den stamataei pote. Den kserw... o anthropos exei vlavh sto myalo... einai para poly "obsessive" afto to misos pou exei gia thn Anna mas, kai mono oi arxes exoune th dynamh na ton stamatisoun.
Egw fovamai paidia... afta pou eida proxthes... afto to misos pou exoune merikoi Ellhnes pros thn Anna, gia p.x Ntemph Gkolema (pws sto diavolo thn lene..), afth kai kapoioi alloi mazi fovamai mhn riksoune oi idioi thn Anna sto Eurovision. Einai san na prospathoun ne feroune ton Ellhnismo ths Elladas kai tou ekswterikou (giati edw sthn Australia oi pio polloi Ellhnes exoune Antenna Pacific ws Ellhniko stathmo, kai mhn ksexname pws edw sth Melbournh, exoume ton megalitero Ellhniko plithismo meta thn Athina...(sister city ths Athina's eimaste), enantion ths Anna's.
Den kserw, efxomai na kanw lathos... den thelw na erthw se sygkroush me kanena Vissaki, opws kserete pethainw gia thn Anna mas, thn ypostiriksh mas xreiazetai to koritsi afto TWRA pio poly apo pote.
(sygnwmh gia thn ekfrash mou, eyxomai to pneyma mou na katalavenetai)
Anna !
Zoume !
Gia na se akoume!
An exoune ta kotsia oi Tatianoi kai oi Gkolemoi as antiprosopeysoun autoi thn Ellada sth Eurovision. Gia na doume.. tha ta kataferoune .... kai o Cheers kai ta ypoloipa Ntouvaria ws back-up vocalists.
eimai stis skepseis sou.... eimai stis fleves sou...eimai sto aima sou egwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww...
I am writing to you from Australia regarding the MAD Forum.
It is very disturbing that the moderators of this forum are allowing scathing messages to be written about international singer Anna Vissi.
Some users of this forum are being given far too much freedom when expressing their views, writing very BAD posts, putting pictures in the forum and giving a very BAD name to such a great site. And let me tell you, your site is highly recommended to non-Greek audiences.
Since Anna is representing Greece in Eurovision 2006, it is your responsibility to ensure that messages written by 'ANNA VISSI HATERS' are deleted or edited. In fact, it is about time something is done about that forum overall.
Unless something is done to regulate some of the 'rules' in that forum, I am no longer interested in accessing this site.
pantos afta pou diavasame exthes to vradi egw kai h Mazz, htane para poly tromaktika.
aftous tous anthropous prepei na tous syllavei astynomia kai na tous kanei h Anna minish. Vissakia...eilikrina sas lew, tha tromaksete. Egw nwritera eipa s'ena post pws den prokeitai na ksana-mpw mesa kei, meta h Mazz mou stelnei epigon minima na riksw mia matia (h Mazz einai akomh arrwsth shmera m'afta pou diavase) ti na sas pw vissakia... Afta ta pragmata den einai anthropina. Oute ta zwa den ferontai etsi. Toso misos ? ? Tosh exthra ? ? Kala. Ti tous ekane h Anna ? Se ti tous ftaei ?
eimai stis skepseis sou.... eimai stis fleves sou...eimai sto aima sou egwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww...