Eimai Politissa , ”kapou ekei sta trianta kai ...bale” !!! ... Twra pou yacnw to mualo mou, me blepw na qumamai apo polu mikrh , iswV kai ta prwta bhmata thV Bissh , apo auta pou diabaza sta Romantsa kai tiV BenteteV pou ercotan spiti maV , kai idiwV apo ta exwfulla touV pou parousiazan mia mikrh kupriwtopoula sthn arch thV mousikhV thV karieraV ...
Th qumamai akomh kai sthn prwth thV emfanish sth Giourobizion , me to cazo
ekeino ”Otostop” na pozarei dipla sthn Tourkala tragoudistria Aznta - pou ki
auth ...exetaze me th seira thV to ”kukloforiako” me to tragoudi ”Petrol” - polu nea , me
skoura isia mallia kai ena megalo mple krustallino mentagion sto laimo ...
Ta ellhnika tragoudia , opwV kai ta tourkika , htan panta caza kai anousia
mecri ta teleutaia cronia , opou , idiwV meta to qriambo thV tourkalaV Sertap
pou phge me to diko thV ”Every way that I can ” h Ellada ebale peisma na parei thn prwtia oso to dunato suntomwtera meta apo thn Tourkia ... Kai , dustucwV spatalhse to dikaiwma thV auto (giati oloi den einai tuceroi san to Israhl na kerdizoun epi duo sunecomeneV cronieV ) mia cronia nwritera apo o,ti eprepe , me thn emfanish thV Paparizou , sto emporiko kai kala paketarismeno ekeino ”gratsounisma tou autiou” ....
FetoV htan h prwth fora pou mou arese ena ellhniko tragoudi - an kai oci sta
Ellhnika - kai euchqhka me olh mou thn kardia na ginei prwto , se antiqesh me
tiV sunhqeiV antidraseiV mou sthn ellhnikh thleorash pou ekane to pan gia na
maV kanei na sucaqoume auth th mpalanta me tiV toso egwistikeV kai alazwnikeV thV parousiaseiV ... Eicame epitelouV ena tragoudi pou de se enoclei, ena
tragoudi pou sou prosferei kati ... Kai h emfanish thV Bissh ston teliko , htan
armonikh san poihma , dunath apo th mia kai semnh apo thn allh , kati arketa
diaforetiko kai xecwro mesa se mia qalassa apo prostuca ntekolte kai coreuteV pou sunecizan akomh kai fetoV na ...lunontai kai na denontai meta apo thn
prwtia thV TourkiaV ...
Palia oi politikeV sumpaqeieV htan auto pou kaqorize ta apotelesmata ... Twra qriambeuei h tecnologia .. Kai opwV oleV tiV teleutaieV cronieV , kerdisan autoi
pou htan grhgoroi sta plhktra kai thn tseph !!! Giati autoV o diagwnismoV ecei
fqasei se ena shmeio opou h omorfia tou tragoudiou miaV cwraV , den arkei
kaqolou na exasfalisei kai mia exisou kalh qesh sth baqmologia ... H mhpwV
qelete na pisteuete oti h Elena eice tragoudisei kanena fainomeno ; MhpwV ki auth den htan frouto twn SMS ; Pou akousthke dhladh na aresei ena tragoudi se enan anqrwpo 10 foreV ;
H atucia thV Bissh htan to oti eprepe na sunagwnistei oci mono me tiV 23 alleV
cwreV alla kai me thn prokatoco thV ... Twra pou diabazw kai apo to diaduktio kai ta reality show pou thn katapolemousan toso polu (mono ERT kai RIK mporoume na blepoume apo to doruforo edw ...) katalabainw giati fainotan kourasmenh se kapoieV thV fwtografieV ...
Stenacwreqhka polu otan tucaia diabasa ola ta epikritika email scetika me th Bissh sto foroum thV ERT (ertonline.gr) . Mporei na mh saV aresei , alla auto de saV dinei to dikaiwma na fereste toso cudaia otan milate gi’authn ... H hlikia enoV anqrwpou den einai ena epiteugma gia touV neouV kai ntroph gia touV megaluterouV . MhpwV dhladh , autoi pou grafoun toso eirwnika , pisteuoun oti ta niata eina ena tropaio pou oi idioi to kerdisan meta apo kamia sklhrh mach kai qa ta apolambanoun awniwV enw h Bissh htthqhke kai katadikasthke sta ghrateia ; OpoioV zei qa gerasei kai makari oloi na gerasoume san ki authn ... KaneiV de menei sta 18 h ta 24 oute qa meinoun bebaia ki oi mellontikoi autoi geroi pou den ntrepontai na thn apokaloun mpampogria , kwlogria , skatogria kai alla polla auth th stigmh ...
Uparcei eleuqeria logou , sumfwnw , alla uparcoun kai anqrwpina dikaiwmata kaqwV kai mia mıkrh ..leptomereia : o sebasmoV ... Oci pou h Bissh qa kaqetai na diabazei ola auta ta sucamera kai qa thV elqoun ...taseiV autoktoniaV (!) alla na skeptomaste oti ecei kai mia oıkogeneia kai einai kai mhtera ....
Matzika , Fourka h opwV touV aresei, egw megalwsa kai me Miki MaouV kai me
Romantsa kai agapw thn uparxh olwn autwn sth zwh mou ... Kai cairomai otan
akouw ta tragoudia thV se ola ta katasthmata sthn Tourkia , thn wra pou
perpatw sto Pera h ywnizw sto Carrefour kai otan briskw ta almpoum thV anamesa sta ...entopia ( kai oci sta rafia twn xenwn ) kai sta mpest seller ...
Oloi oi Tourkoi htan sumfwnoi oti o feteino touV tragoudi (oci omwV h
tragoudistria) den axize dekara kai omwV aisqanqhkan toso ikanopoihmenoi apo thn 11h qesh legontaV oti auto htan enaV qriamboV gi autouV afou ”olakerh h Anna Bissh kai eice ginei 9 h ”... Thn apokaloun ”enath” ki autoi ekei sto foroum , me mia paraxenh perifronhsh , san na ginotan prwth h Ellada kaqe crono mecri twra kai mono ...fetoV ecase thn prwtia !!!!
Oi Tourkoi telika thn xeroun kai thn ektimoun , krima pou oi EllhneV den einai
ikanoi na th sebontai oso kai oi Tourkoi ...
Sugcarhthria loipon se olouV touV ”neouV tou shmera”, akoma mia fora ....
...kai ola afta ta egrapsa giati enohlithika poli apo afta pou diavasa ton teleftaio kairo ...
O Martin Luther King lei : "Telika tha ksehasume ta kaka logia twn ehthrwn mas alla panta tha thimomaste tin siopi twn filwn ..."
..And I am so sorry to have caused such a trouble in writing my first message in "symbol" fonts (as my software does not possess other greek fonts) , it was a big disappointment to find out that my e.mail turned to an illegible letter in ...fraggohiotika ! Anyway , for those interested "V" stands for "teliko s" , "q" for "th" of "thalassa" etc ... At least , it was so while writing !
Sugcarhthria loipon se olouV touV ”neouV tou shmera”, akoma mia fora ....
Mia grioula apo to ’69
Γεια απο γριουλα του 66.
Τα ειπες τοσο αληθεινα, δεν θελω να προσθεσω τιποτα. Ακριβως. Η γυναικα εχει οικογενεια και ειναι μητερα. Αυτο τα εξιγει ολα. Κατσε να γερασουν κι'αυτα τα σκαθαρια εξω, να γινουν κι'αυτοι γονεις.............. αχ εχουν τοσα πολλα μαθουνε ακομα....
Η υλικια ενως ανθρωπου δεν εχει να κανει τιποτα μ'αυτο που θελει να εκφραστει. Η Αννα και 80 να παει, και οσο εχει φωνη, θα μας τραγουδαει. Και μεις (εγω τουλαχιστον) θα εξακολουθω να την αγαπω οπως την αγαπουσα στα 18 μου χρονια οταν οι γονεις μου ειχανε μια "κασετα"(audio-tape) Κιτρινο Γαλαζιο δισκος, και μετα αγορασαμε Να'Χες Καρδια, Κατι Συμβαινει ................... κτλ κτλ.
Nothing's changed!
Την αγαπω οπως την αγαπουσα τοτε. ΤΙΠΟΤΑ δεν εχει αλλαξει για μενα προσωπικα. Η Αννα Βισση ειναι και θα παραμεινει να ειναi για παντα μια σκετη εμπνευση και την ευχαριστω για ολα που μου εχει προσφερει στη ζωη μου ως τωρα.
Καλοσωρισες Star στο στεκι μας, στο υποσχομαι θα περασεις παρα πολυ ωραια.
eimai stis skepseis sou.... eimai stis fleves sou...eimai sto aima sou egwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww...
Gia fantasthte otan eimaste 80-90 xronwn na mazeuomaste oloi ston Botaniko, kai na trwme poure giati tha mas exoun pesei ta dontia mas, kai na peinoume to xamomhli mas kai na akoume Anna Vissi, giati h Anna tha uparxei PANTA.
Xairomai pou ta logia mou vrikan apihisi , allo ena prwterhma ths kahmenhas mas ...grias (!) , na enwnei tous an8rwpous ... Kai skeptoma oti prepei kapoios na dwsei sto dikasthrio kai to admin tou forum ths ertonline.gr pou den einai ikano na stamathsei ta xudaia pou grafoun kati ageneis ... neoi ! Akomh yposthrizoun oti "ti taxoume ta forum an den mporeis na ... vrizeis eleufthera "
X8es th nuxta eixe programma me thn Tourkala Ajda pou sas egrapsa oti diagwvisthke mazi ths thn epoxh tou "auto-stop" , tragoudhse sta ellhnika (pou vevaia den kserei) to "xwris to mwro mou" kai eipe oti "h Eurovision den einai gia epaggelmaties tragoudistes kai otan mia star ths Eurwphs paei sth Eurovision riskarei adika thn kariera ths , px h Anna Vissi den htan anagkh na paei " . Oxı pou akouse ...gia ta forum (!!) alla ki auth eixe travhksei polla meta thn epıstrofh ths apo to diagwnismo , kserei kala ti kakos pou einai o kosmos ... H Ajda einai poly pio megalh sthn hlikia apo th ...gria mas kai omws kaneis den thn epitithetai me auto ton tropo ...
"An theleis naxeis exthrous prosperna tous filous sou , an theleis naxeis filous , ase tous filous sou na se prosperasoun ..."
και κατι αλλο... Τουλαχιστον το 1980 η Αννα κατεταγη και 2 θεσεις ψηλοτερα απο το "Petr'oil" της Ajda Pekkan... κατι ηταν κι αυτο...
Statler: What's the name of that famous song Tony Bennett sings?
Waldorf: "I Left My Heart In San Francisco"
Statler: Big deal! I left my teeth in Mineapolis!
Both: Dooh ho ho ho ho
Gia fantasthte otan eimaste 80-90 xronwn na mazeuomaste oloi ston Botaniko, kai na trwme poure giati tha mas exoun pesei ta dontia mas, kai na peinoume to xamomhli mas kai na akoume Anna Vissi, giati h Anna tha uparxei PANTA.
Στα 79 οταν θα' ναι γιαγια πιο πολυ θα την αγαπαμε ....... ..........