The awards will be handed out individually , not in a common ceremony . Anna Vissi will be awarded the trophys in Athens during the coming weeks . Lordi will be awarded their trophy during their European concert tour in September . With Mihai Traistariu we still need to arrange a date and time.
We will report on the awarding on our home page .
Best regards
Loipon auta akrivws mou egrapse ..proswpika (!!!) o Matthias Petermann, Music Director tou ESC Radio , otan egw tous esteila ena e.mail opou rwtousa an uparxoun vraveia kai pws tha dwthoun .
Eixan loipon thn eugeneia na mou apanthsoun kai na kati akomh pou kanei auta ta vraveia idiaitera ...
Gria eimai alla ...kala douleuw , e exoume kai to kalo paradeigma