paidia to best of einai gia pio meta prota tha bgoun ta cd tou Nikou kai ths Annas kai meta tha kanoun ena best of me tragoudia tou Nikou kai ths Annas se ena super best of.
toulaxiston auto eipe h anna stin sinentefksi ths stin Kriti.
In my personal opinion, even though I would love a best of CD, I think it should only be released if Anna takes a break. Other artists do this since they are very expensive, and people will buy them if you are on a break to here you.
simfono me ton AVROX, kai kati allo to best of na bgei apo sinergasia ths Minos kai Sony gia na exei kai tragoudia pou h Anna tragoudise otan htan stin Minos.
paidia to best of einai gia pio meta prota tha bgoun ta cd tou Nikou kai ths Annas kai meta tha kanoun ena best of me tragoudia tou Nikou kai ths Annas se ena super best of.
toulaxiston auto eipe h anna stin sinentefksi ths stin Kriti.