victor wrote: Η εικονα ειναι κακη και μετα την μεση κολαει και ακουγεται μονο ηχος. Θα το ξαναβαλλω να το δω, ισως χρειαστει να το κανω delete. Κριμα η χαρα μου.
Well the picture may not be the best, but it is still something good, for someone that has never seen it.
Πριν απο την μεση κολαει, φαινεται μια πρασινη εικονα χωρις να φαινεται ποιος μιλαει η τι γινεται. Μονο ο ηχος ακουγεται μεχρι το τελος. Αλλαξε εικονα μονο 2-3 φορες. Δεν παραπονιεμαι AVRox ακομα και ο ηχος ειναι καλυτερος απο το τιποτα.
Dont bother re-downloading. Thats how mine is too, but with mine, you have to skip ahead alittle for the picture to work. Still listening to the parts you cant see, you get what is happening. I wish I could have seen the musical when it was playing.
I wish I knew when they played it on mega cosmos I could have taped it. I like it very much so far, what I have seen is very good. When I finish redownloading I will delete the old download to free some memory. I have to do this to make sure. Even if I go farward it will not make a difference because I have no picture.