Kristune I will translate it for you, it will take about 20 more minutes to download and then I will start translating. I need to take a brake first, I will finish it later.
The interview starts with Anna talking about her fans and the way they react towards her songs and the gossips they hear. Georgantas tells her about messages he gets that remind him that he forgot to play a vc or he did not mention "the goddess". Themis asks Annaif her fans ever tired, Anna answers that she occasionally finds flowers and letters outside her house, which make her smile. Anna feels bad when she cannot talk to her fans after singing all night and her voice is tired. Themis introduces some of the kids from Anna's fan club. Some things the kids admire in Anna are, that she is original, her voice, and how unique she is. They all sing a song together, and one of her fans gives her a present, a T-shirt he made.
Themis in another interview, Anna explains that making mistakes when an artist sings, brings the artist closer to the fans. Journalists falsely informed that Anna had left Greece and moved io another country, when really she went to prepare her foreigh album. Kostantinos Christoforou asks Anna if she ever thought about failure how would she feel. Anna answers that someone failles when one loses touch with himself. As an artist she is not afraid afraid to try things, but she will not do things that are out of her reach. That way her enemies will not see her faille, she will catch her failure before her enemy. Anna says she is the enemy of her own self, that way she will stop any probable failure. Anna talks with Themis about her school years and wished she could live that moment again, when she dreamed of becoming a singer.
The next interview is with Anna Drouza, I already translated that one.
Anna speaks at a radio station with Makis Pounentis. Anna talks about her days off which are on Mondays and as she says on those days she feels miserable. Anna sings Erwteumenaki.
The next interview is by Nikos Xatzinikolaou, Anna likes to do new things which she thinks over. She has failed many times in different things she has tried, like a bad photo shoot, or a song that she sang, she may have talk bad to someone, or she may be angry about things they write about her. Anna talks about mistakes, it is hard for people to recognise their mistakes. Anna says she makes mistakes all the time but cannot think of a serious one. Anna talks about Nikos Karvelas, about their marriage which was not a mistake, but would think before she marries again. She talks about the way Karvelas proposed to her. She talks about her job and how working nights requires a person to be strong like a man and also to have dignity in order to be the best at what one does. She loves to sing and give what they want, and singing at night she has to overcome many problems. Xatzinikolaou asks Anna what kind of a person is the one that entertains others, dances, sings, and plays in the theatre. Anna uses the word "pswnara" which I do not know how to translate. Anna loves what she does and feels like she lives a dream and will always feel like that.
The next interview she gives to Natalia Germanou. Natalia asks Anna if her mood is different when she sings and the man she has a relationship with is watching her. Anna says there have been times she felt nervous, because someone that knows her better than others was watching her. Anna talks about her thoughts when she drives home early in the morning after work, and thinks about all the love she received from the fans and if she deserves all that love, and if they mean what they say.
Anna talks to Xatzinikolaou about the Eurovision song contest and says she will give everything.
Anna deserves all our love and she will always have it.